Sunday, 27 December 2015

Should I Marry Her or Should I Not?

I met this girl few years ago and her name is Princess. 

I just graduated and as expected was searching tirelessly to get a Job and start a life of my own. I met her in the office of the manager who was to collect my credentials for possible short listing and interview.

Read Previous - Shocking Chat Between A Single Mother and a Man
Read Next - Hilarious Chat Between a Married Man and a Girl He Met Online

She is chocolate in colour, tall, soft spoken and very pretty. I waited till she finished her discussion with the manager before handing over my credentials to him after which I left the office, walked down to a bus stop close by and boarded a bus which was calling for passengers going to the direction I was heading, I was passenger number 3 in the 12-seater bus. 

Her face keep flashing on my mind and I was already regretting the opportunity missed to at least exchange pleasantries as knowing her name would have done me a lot of good to begin with. I was seated on one of the front seat with my head bowed for how long I do not know when someone tapped me on the shoulder and asked me shift inside so she could enter and behold it was her. I was taken aback, short of words and hurriedly did as she requested, she climbed in and sat beside me and that was it; she never spoke to me and I could not mutter a word also. 

After about 5 minutes drive she requested to alight, the driver stopped and she disembarked I could only watch her in awe walk away, I felt I had lost something so important at that moment, important even more than the job I was hunting for but that was a funny thought though because no man could keep a woman these days without financial care then love.

The interview day finally arrived by now I had gotten over her thoughts but still hoping that one day I may fortunately meet her. After a very vigorous and rigorous interview, like everyone interviewed I was hoping; days passed, a couple of weeks passed no word from the organisation, in-between I had gone for 2 more interviews.

On this faithful day I got a call from the organisation that I should report there the next Monday morning 8am, on my arrival I was given a letter addressed to a hospital to go for medical checkup. My joy knew no bounds, I was so excited. Fast forward a month later I had settled down on my new job as an assistant manager in one of the departments. My boss was an easy going man and had told me from day one that I shall be very much involved in the activities of the department in terms of management. I was handling a whole lot of issues but that was to strengthen and prepare me for greater challenges ahead. 

Monday was always a very busy day in my office, all matters untreated over the weekend would always be there for you to address, today I have 10 applications to consider for industrial training placement, I was to administer a test of understanding which is standardsized and is used for every applicable batch of prospective industrial trainees to assess their suitability for the duties they may have to be saddled with. These questions are usually kept with the human resources department and are only released on request when the need for it arises, only the departmental heads had the authority to ask for their release for use after which they are usually returned to the human resources department. The human resources department may review the questions without notice but must communicate such review to affected heads of department with the details of the reviews.

I had asked a staff to usher the applicants to our conference room for the test to commence by 11.00am, I left my office by 10.50am and went to address the applicants before the commencement of the test proper, I was also to be there until the end of the test as I would be the one to distribute the test papers and also retrieve them for safe keeping. 

As I walked into the conference room all the applicants stood and echoed 'good morning sir', ‘good morning ladies and gentlemen’ I replied and asked them to take their seats, but someone among them keep starring at me, she was the one I told myself as I managed a smile to hide my surprise, she looked so uncomfortable on sighting me. 

Normally we ask our applicants what experience they have had so far in our premises and in what way can we better the level of hospitality especially when being processed for entry at the reception because we believe first impression matters. I pointed to her direction and asked her to tell everyone her own take on the level of hospitality, she said 'sir the hospitality was great and we all here have even agreed to work for free if you could absorb us all' she joked and everyone responded with laughter. Three other applicants also spoke and this removed the tensed atmosphere in the room. 

The test was thereafter conducted; I took the answer scripts and the test question sheets at the end and left the conference room immediately, leaving the conference room Attendant to attend to them while they wait for their score. I never bothered to say anything to her because I knew there is now opportunity for us to meet at least now that she may eventually be working here if she scales through the test huddle. 

Our cut off mark is 60%, in this case the top 3 would be taken; I hurriedly and carefully marked the scripts as the questions were objective and subjective in nature, the top 3 score were 78%, 70% and 68%. I went back to the conference room and handed every applicant his or her answer script as they are coded without names. We discussed with those that were not satisfied to actually prove to them that that was actually what they scored. After a fruitful deliberately everyone was satisfied that the scores were fair and they represented what they actually penned down, thereafter the top 3 were called and were asked to wait for the next line of procedure. This was when I knew she was the one that scored 68% the least of the top 3, I was happy for her but for me either way would have been okay so to speak but not being selfish though. 

I congratulated the 3 of them and handed them to the conference room Attendant who would take them to the human resources department for other formalities before their posting to their department of work.

Next day Tuesday I was in my office when she walked in and told me she was directed to give a memo she was holding to me, I collected, opened and read it and behold she was posted to work in my department, my departmental manager has minute to me that I should get her trained for a role and deploy her eventually after 2 weeks training, she was to do her industrial attachment for one year. I offered her a seat and called one of my subordinate through our intercom to come over to my office, the lady came and I briefed her on what to do. I told her to go with the lady and she should feel free to come over to my office whenever she needs anything that I can do. 

Few days later she came to my office near closing hour to appeal to me if I can drop her off as she was not having transport fare that could take her all the way home, I was taken aback by her request but quickly told her that I have no problem with that that she should wait for me at the car park, by now I was driving an official car. I got to know during the ride that she was from a very humble family, things were not as rosy, she had 8 siblings and she is the last girl, the father was aged as it appeared he did not marry early enough, she was just 20 years old and she looks and act very innocent. I stopped her by a fast food place and got her some rice and chicken, most girls’ favourite, got her a big sachet of juice also, get them packed and gave them to her to take home as dinner. I dropped her off at the junction of her street and gave her some money that could at least do her for few days, she was so over joy and shy at the same time, she thanked me and hurriedly left. I was acting strange also, perhaps it is my new job and the associated work load because that feeling I had the first day I met her has somehow died down though I still admire her innocence and her calmness. 

Somehow the drop offs became more regular and this was also no issue of such as I found out that she was from a neighboring town close to where I hail from and we speak almost the same language. People call her my sister though we are not related but because we are from the same state which was about 450km from the state where we are working. 

As time progress we became more attached to each other, she comes often to my office and we spend break time together but in most cases without a word to each other as I was always busy during break time working on my laptop.

One evening I took her out to a bar after work and I ordered for drinks for both of us and were drinking and watching a television right in front of us. I noticed that each time a scene appear of a couple hugging or kissing she would turn away her face from the television and would only turn her attention there after few seconds when is sure such scene has elapsed. This prompted me that she could possibly be a virgin otherwise she would not act that way. 

After a couple of months of dating we eventually made love but not as I thought, she was not a virgin and I was not worried because I was already in love with her. Though to say the least I was surprised at her not being a virgin because of her innocence though she was already 21 years of age. As time goes on she told me she had slept with 2 guys before me and they were no longer together, we were already looking at the possibility of getting married and all the way I was pleased with her as a person, she was not the very expensive type and she could manage money well enough that you would appreciate her. 

The relationship went on until she completed her one year industrial attachment and she left to continue her education. A year later when she turned 22 years I told her I wanted to introduce her to my people so that we can take it from there as I was already settled at work and could take responsibility as a married man. She was excited and we arranged a weekend and travelled to my place and introduced her to my parents and some of my siblings who were at my home town. Everyone was pleased with her person and they were all in support and gave us their blessings, plans were made also by my parents to arrange a visit to her parents to get the ball rolling. She started coming to spend nights in my place after this visit and we were really very into each other that we now spend most of our time together after my work and her school, it was a lovely relationship that drew envy from those that have 'talent' for envy.

The night before the day we were to travel to see her people she asked to meet me the next morning that she cannot come over to my place to spend the night as I thought she would, rather she said she had an assignment she must complete that night and give to her roommate to help her submit the next day in school. That was fine by me, education is key and I had always encouraged her morally and financially to ensure she is up to her studies, we agreed she would come over as early as 7.00am so we could set out in good time and arrive at my home town early enough and from there head to her home town to see her parents.

At about 10pm that night she sent me an sms that there was something she wanted to tell me and that she does not know how I will react. I told her to go ahead, most times she needs money for anything in school, that has always been her approach and I have reassured her several times that I see it as my responsibility now to take care of her financial needs. After not getting any reply from her I called her and asked her what the issue was but she was not forthcoming with anything for almost 15 minutes on the phone with me, at a point she told me to forget about it but insisted she has to tell me not after she has told me she needed to tell me something. We keep going back and forth on the phone for another 20 minutes just for her to let me know what the issue was but to no avail and at a point I hung up out of anger because I hate being held in suspense. 

Ten minutes later she called back I did not pick, she repeated the call I still did not picked and on the third call I terminated the call and called her back. Another 15 minutes we were on the phone going back and forth again but at last she dropped a bombshell: she had a kid and the baby is 4 years old! For 2 minutes I was speechless I could only hear an echo from far away saying 'honey' repeatedly. I managed to find my voice and told her 'I will get back to you but our trip for tomorrow is called off'.

The D day was December 27 and was never actualized.
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I am a 'Bedical Doctor' who love writing sexy articles randomly drawn from occurrences, inspirations, observations and experiences. The purpose of which is to entertain minds and challenge intellects. I am a little bit controversial, just so that you know, but for good.