Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Police Shot And Brutally Beat Boy For Having Large Penis

A young boy of 17 had miraculously survived several gunshots fired by cops but was thereafter beaten black and blue just because he has a very large penis. The teenager Jamal is now in a critical condition at the Detroit Medical Centre.
"Jamal has always had a large penis, even when he was just a kid. Never would I have thought he would get harmed in any way because of this" Lamented Jennabelle the boy's mother.

"Of course black people have larger penises, it ain't no freekin' reason to shoot at them" She had said.

Local press had it that Jamal's erect penis was mistaken for a concealed pistol in his pants. When the female bank cashier saw the erect penis which clearly looks like a weapon she panicked and raised alarm which drew bank security who started shooting at him as he attempted to escape.

"He reached for something in his pants, I thought it was a gun" narrated Sandy who is the bank cashier. Eyewitness and camera footage also confirmed that Jamal "sturdily manipulated his penis with both his hands."

This incidence happened at Detroit Liberty Bank according to the Standard Digital. Jamal who has been cleared and declared innocent is now in an artificially induced coma owing to the heavy beaten meted him by cops. 

Jamal's mother had a different opinion about the incidence, she is of the opinion that his son was beaten mercilessly even after surviving the several gunshots because he was black, emphasizing that same would not have happened if he was white. 
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I am a 'Bedical Doctor' who love writing sexy articles randomly drawn from occurrences, inspirations, observations and experiences. The purpose of which is to entertain minds and challenge intellects. I am a little bit controversial, just so that you know, but for good.